Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Thank Goodness For the Drunk Guy!

March 23, 2015

Thank Goodness For The Drunk Guy!

It was a good week! we worked really hard and found some drunk guys! we were looking for a member and they didnt live there anymore, but the guy that did live there invited us to come in! then he passed out on his couch lol.... so we were about to just walk out when these 3 other guys came in the back door and saw us standing in the living room with their friend passed out on the couch! we got a little worried but they were really cool and talked to us about Jesus for a while and asked us to come back another time! it was sweet! 

we are on a car rotation so when we went on exchanges, we walked a lot. we gave up the car because a set of Elders and Sisters needed it more than we did. while we were walking to our destination, 3 different times we saw members from the other Elder’s wards! by the time we got to our destination, no one was home! lol so Elder G sat down and said i'm not moving until a new investigator walks up to us!  shortly after that, a guy walked up to us and we have an appointment with him this week. i guess thats Gods way of saying Elders, we have no time to waste! we knocked a lot of doors! 

there were 4 fires in 5 days this past week. one of them burned down a bar and the tree next to it. the tree was acclaimed to be the last hanging tree in ST Joe. another fire was on the west side of the river in kansas and jumped the river and marred the levy pretty good. 

the work goes on though and some days are better than others. i love the work though. I love this gospel and know its true!  I have spent a lot of time on my knees lately. so much that they are balding. :p jk jk 

my message for this week is to just do what your supposed to. GOD is always right no matter what. seek his will for you and do it!

love you! Elder Rollins

Monday, March 16, 2015

A week full of Meetings

March 16, 2015

so this week was a week full of meetings which didnt give us a whole lot of time to do much work. 

we had a meeting with a General Authority last Monday and then we also had interviews with President Vest on Wednesday so our Pday was moved to Tuesday. we went bowling! (i'll send the pictures next week) 

we have been out knocking doors a lot because we need to find more people to teach. we have been trying new ways to talk with people and had a pretty cool experience. we went out and just started to teach about the Restoration. we taught about prophets and the cycle of God restoring his Gospel through them. there was this one girl and when we told her that God has called another prophet and that the Book of Mormon is Proof of that she immediately asked if she could have one! :) made my day! 

while we were on exchanges to day we had a girl open her door and ask us for a Book of Mormon. she then explained that she had just seen the play The Book of Mormon and now wanted to read the book! pretty cool thing to happen.

Sunday morning we got a call from the sisters that one of them lost their ring in the kitchen sink at the church! so we went over and i turned into a plumber! jk I got the ring out for her! 

those are the highlights of the week!

love you! 

Elder Rollins

The Cactus

March 2, 2015


Elder Winiger is also from AZ, so when we saw the cactus we were so happy that we had to hug it! lol 

we found a new investigator! He seems like he is one of the elect, one that we have been searching for! so that was pretty sweet! he opened right up to us and told us that he was super curious about the people in our church so we just kinda went through the restoration and he asked all the right questions at the right time!

i would agree a mission is the greatest two years! its a pretty sweet deal. I came out here to SERVE the Lord, but every day I am more and more indebted to him! i guess thats where the unprofitable servant comes in! lol 

so in the last two weeks i finished up the  Book of Mormon and finished my 2nd time through Jesus the Christ. as i look back on my mission, and think about all the companions I've had, i finally see some of the reasons why i had them. also i have had many hours to study the scriptures and i think that is one of the biggest things i needed while i was out here! 

Mathew 11:28-30
28 ¶Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

when we take his yoke upon us, he can make things easier.  our situation might not change, we may still have struggles but their is strength in remembering that we have God in our corner! 

love you! 
Elder Rollins