Wednesday, August 27, 2014

It Takes Faith

Aug 25, 2014

It Takes Faith

so we had a sick week! We have been working super hard in trying to figure out how we can work better in the area and how we can make this area more successful! and guess what?? the Spirit prompted us that we needed to drop everyone we were working with... thats a scary thing to do because that means you just go back to trying to find people to teach and not so much teaching at sit down appointments! but the Lord blesses those that follow his will! i am so blessed to see the miracles the Lord has given us! 

#1 we were out looking for a member in our ward that bishop wanted us to go see but we couldnt find where they lived! so we saw a lady on the phone and talked to her to see if she knew the apartment number or where it was.. she didnt, but we felt prompted to give her a Book of Mormon and she accepted it and said that she needed this in her life right now so we proceeded to invite ourselves back over to teach her more Saturday morning and when we taught her about the Restoratioin of the Gospel of Jesus Christ she accepted to prepare her self for baptism! 

#2 we were trying to contact a referral and she wasnt home so we decided to talk to some of her neighbors and we went up to this lady who was outside playing with her two year old and talked to her about her family then asked her about her religious view and she is very religious and wants to follow Christ so we asked her if she knew there was another book written about Jesus Christ would she read it and she was hesitant at first but i started praying that the Lord would soften her heart and she worked it out in her mind and decided to take the Book of Mormon and read it and wants us to come back and to teach her and her 12 year old son about it! 

Miracles happen when you follow the spirit please follow Him and see the wonderful thing that come into your life! 

love you :) 

Elder Rollins

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