Monday, April 28, 2014

Interesting week!

April 28, 2014

very interesting week full of lots of storm and lots of failed appointment. started with exchanges. Elder Mason was sick and so we sat around all day. then when i got back with Elder Bitton we were just going hard all week walking and talking to everyone, when it wasnt raining. Stake Conference was a blast! we had really good speakers! 

no matter how hard life gets, or how long the day may seem, remember this, every day brings joy. some days at the beginning and some days by the end. Remember this as well, the Lord will always be there to help you through whatever you may be going through. talk to our Father in heaven, ask him for help and trust in him. he knows what he wants to have happen and his plan is perfect! i know it is! 

Love you Elder Rollins

Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Week

April 21, 2014


this week was a pretty interesting week! literally all of our appointments fell through which kinda sucked but then we had some cool experiences. so this is what went down! 

tuesday we tried to see 18 people that are either looking into the church or thinking about looking into the church, as well as a couple of members in our ward and then when no one answered, we had to ride our bikes down to Odessa cuz we are low on miles. we ended up riding about 25 miles on tuesday which was pretty cool cuz i love to ride my Bicycle! (queen reference) :P but seriously, i love to ride my bike! then we had a sweet dinner and got to practice our song that we preformed on Sunday!  Thankfully Brother Daweson drove us home :) 

wednesday we met with brother barber and shared with him a cool talk called, why 1820 by Hyrum Smith and we tried to give him some more incite to the questions he has been asking. next time we are going to be going over each restoration of the Gospel and how each of them took place! so that should be fun! 

we had zone conference. the picture of the missionary that i'm with is Elder Lunt. he is one of the Assistants that has helped me out a lot lately! :) and so we got some really good incite and were happy to get a little brake from knocking doors all day!  then that night we ran into a family that we had been trying to see since like day 3 in Odessa! :) the dad invited us in and asked us if we would explain Joseph Smith and the Book of mormon to his wife and daughter. so that was a pretty sweet experience! then they said that they needed to have us over for dinner! 

friday was slooooooooooww. we gave a priesthood blessing to a lady and since then she has had no problems from her ailment so that was pretty cool! and she went to church on sunday!@ :) 

saturday was filled with service! we moved 2 people and did some more car work! and had an easter party at the church! :) so all in all, a good week to be a missionary! :) 

love you! 

Elder Rollins

So happy to get pictures, but again, no captions, so I will do my best to make up info that I think goes a long with the pictures! hahaha

These are Hayes's favorite donuts. Creme filled with chocolate frosting. Mmmmmmm

This is all the stuff I sent him in his Easter basket. hahahaha

Elder Rollins with Elder Lunt (one of the Assistants to the President) I wonder if he's the one who told Hayes that he is a terrible missionary! LOL

Hayes doesn't look too happy. Someone must have messed with their bikes!

Looks like he ate a little too much. Maybe that's why he asked for a really good scale! hahahaha

There are 10 towns in Hayes's current area. Odessa is the largest town. I think there were that many kids in Hayes's high school! LOL 

Always a wrestler ... Wall sits ...
This is how Hayes studies. :-)
PS. He's wearing the tie I sent him for Easter.

Monday, April 14, 2014


April 14, 2014


so this week was kinda crazy! we had some cool service projects, we helped dig up someones yard and deroot it so that we could turn it into a flower bed! some of the roots were like 15 feet into the ground so we eventually just took and ax and cut them off! but these people are an older part member family in our ward, the barbers! :) they are like my mission grandparents! its been really cool spending time with them and helping brother barber learn more about the gospel because he always asks me questions that i dont know the answer to so 1 of 2 things happens, either the spirit takes over and gives me the answers or i look at him and say, i dont know but i'll study it and give you an answer the next time we come by! :) 

then i learned a lot about cars! cuz Elder Bitton worked on cars and dirt bikes a bit when he was back home!  lol like how to change oil and how to change the spark plugs, kinda cool and helpful to know for my future. missions really do help you gain life skills! :) ! 

also we had the opportunity to plant 40 trees for a member in our ward who's husband has been in the hospital for a couple weeks 

and, i taught the gospel principals class! so it was just a jammed packed week of fun-ness! 

while we were there planting the trees, this family has chickens that roam free during the day, we pick all the worms out of the ground that we could find and watched the chickens attack the worms and just tear them up! 

so on a funny note we saw this mini horse and he attacked us and our car and tried to kick and bite us and i was just kinda laughing cuz it looked like a donkey mixed with a horse mixed with a lama lol it was ridiculous and it followed us in our car to the neighbors house. we were talking with this guy and he turned his back to the horse and the horse threw his front legs on this guy's shoulder and was trying to breed him... hahahah it was the most ridiculous thing i had seen in my life :p 

then we continued going to the rest of the people in Holden and this guy had these dogs and they were huge! i think they were called bumies danes?? idk but they were massive! 

so we finally got into the city of Holden and were searching out the less actives there and we found this family that was just hanging out side so we were talking with them and seeing what was up and they let us go after a couple minutes and then 20 minutes later, the daughter of this family came walking up the street with a flag, like for color guard, and was yelling hey boys! , hey boys!! and walked up to us and started telling us we needed to knock on doors and that we werent doing a good job in our missionary work hahah its was pretty dang funny! :) then she walked us up to this guy and was like theres your first customer and we walked up to this guy and he was just laughing at us and we talked to him about what had happened and then tried to talk to him about the Gospel but just wasnt really gonna have it. 

so thats my exciting week! 
the church is true and the book is blue! 
love you! 

Elder Rollins

YAY! MORE Pictures!!! It's like an early Christmas! :-)

There were no captions for these photos so I'll just make stuff up! hahahaha

Bishop Baird's family sent Elder Rollins something for Easter 

Maybe this is the ward building that he attends?
Maybe he's standing by a blooming tree cuz he's happy that it's finally spring! 
It is a beautiful tree. :-)

I was concerned that Hayes has not been to the dentist since he left home for his mission. I send him dental floss and mouth rinse in about every package! lol He is proving to me that he is taking care of his teeth. :-)

These must be the roots that were 15 feet in the ground 
that they chopped up with the ax!

The roots are gone.

This must be Brother Barber, Hayes's "mission" grandpa. :-)

I don't know who these people are! lol

I thought it was spring! hahahaha

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April 7, 2014

arts and crafts on monday 

barn and teaching the Gorslines on tuesday! i really enjoy this family. i just wish they would let their kids join in on the studying and the gospel conversations we have! they have been progressing very nicely! the spirit has been more and more present in each lesson and i believe that they are beginning to gain a testimony! :) 

they are a perfect reminder that when the Lord tells us to do something, do it! their fellow-shipper, one day felt that it was time for them to learn more about the gospel and so he called up the mission office and got a hold of us and said hey i have a family that i want you to start
teaching with me! 

this family has honestly progressed so much and i account that to one, this member following the direction of the spirit, and two, him always being there to help them with any questions or concerns they have and three, still being their friend. their relationship didnt become awkward, it actually has grown stronger 

so please when the spirit prompts you to open your mouth do it! he want to bless us we just need to be obedient to what he asks!

Wednesday we had zone training on the daily schedule. i just kinda laughed and thought, oh man, my dad just told me to better focus on this in his last letter. why is he always right?? :p then we met Nehemiah. this kid is a stud. i wish that i had the Gospel knowledge that he has before id left on my mission!  the coolest part is, that he has a heart of gold and is truly seeking to learn more about Christ and bring himself closer to our savior! and guess what? a member brought him to us again! 

Please do your duty as members in this work! The Lord is hastening it and has asked all of us to be apart of
it! answer his call with full purpose of heart and see how he blesses you in your life!

if anyone missed General Conference GO AND WATCH IT NOW! i loved every second of general conference! it really has shown me where i can improve my life to become a better missionary and a better man! :)

love you!

Elder Rollins :)

Looks like Elder Rollins is set with snacks for the day! 
And is that a photo of a Devito I see? hahahaha

They look like the super heroes of the laundry mat! lol

He ripped his jeans. hahaha I wonder if he'll use the sewing skills I taught him and fix them?